Impactful consumer engagement requires consumers and the people running engagement processes to be skilled, confident, supported and always feel safe.
This page lists some useful resources. While all approaches have their own nuances –such as differently worded themes or approaches- they have the common principle that healthcare that is developed with consumers will better meet people's needs.
CHF Latest Webinars:
Making the most of My Health Record webinar
Powering Through: What to know if you rely on medical equipment during a power outage
Strategies and frameworks:
(Draft) National Consumer Engagement Strategy for Health and Wellbeing
All of Us: A guide to engaging consumers, carers and communities across NSW Health
WA Child and Adolescent Health Service: Consumer Engagement Strategy
SA Government: Consumer, Carer and Community Engagement Strategic Framework 2021-2025
“The Patient Will See You Now”: Tasmanian Health Service Consumer Engagement Model of Care
Partnering with consumers | Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
Health Care Consumers’ Association of the ACT: Consumer and Community Participation Framework
Health Consumers Queensland - Consumer and Community Engagement Framework
Health Consumers’ Council WA: Strategic Plan.
National Framework for Consumer Involvement in Cancer Control
Patient Involvement Strategy 2021-25 - UK Government
Accelerated Access Collaborative Patient and Public Involvement Strategy 2021-26- National Health Service, UK.
Healthcare Excellence Canada The Patient Engagement Framework
Tools and guides
All of Us: A guide to engaging consumers, carers and communities across NSW Health: Tools for working together
WA Government: Working with Consumers and Carers Toolkit
SA Government: Engagement with consumers, carers and the community: Guides and resources
For consumers | Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
Health literacy | Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC): Consumer and Community Engagement Toolkit
The Imperial College London: online hub of patient and public involvement resources, templates and toolkits.
Health Care Consumers’ Association of the ACT: A Guide for Consumers: Partnering with Health Organisations in the ACT
Health Consumers NSW: Tools and resources
Health Consumers Queensland: A Guide for Consumers: Partnering with Health Organisations
Health Consumers’ Council WA – Engagement program
Health Consumers Tasmania – Training
Online free courses
Monash Partners Consumer and Community Involvement six free self-paced online modules Consumer and Community Involvement - Monash Partners
Vic PCP Online Health Literacy Course. Online Health Literacy Course
Background reading
Australia’s Health: a biennial report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Contains a wealth of data about health status of the population, health spending and health service utilisation. https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports-data/australias-health
A brief overview of how the health system works from a consumer perspective https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australias-healthcare-system
The Beryl Institute: Elevating the Human Experience in Healthcare (USA
IAP2 Australasia International Association for Public Participation Australasia (IAP2)
Participatory democracy Council of Europe