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get involved

If you believe all Australians should have access to safe, affordable and timely healthcare, we urge you to support our work.

Find out here how you can join CHF as a Member, participate in our consumer engagement opportunities, or contribute your views through our national health survey platform, Australia’s Health Panel. 

Australia's Health Panel

CHF regularly carries out online surveys, to capture Australians' thoughts on a variety of topics related to healthcare.

learning together

Consumer advocacy in healthcare can be immensely rewarding, offering the opportunity to shape healthcare systems that prioritise real world needs, equity, accessibility, and sustainability.

group of diverse people

CHF Members are dedicated to advocating for the needs of Australia's healthcare consumers and ensuring that healthcare is accessible, affordable, and safe.

smiling woman

Keep up-to-date with our activities and opportunities to be involved with new opportunities, events, webinars and more.
