CHF recognises that consumers have different needs and priorities when accessing healthcare in Australia. To arrive at our policy positions, we cast the net widely, through research, focus groups and surveys, to capture diverse views. Where appropriate, input will also be sought from our Members and other stakeholders before we publish our submissions and reports. Where a consumer need is not being recognised, we may run a campaign to highlight the issue. External organisations also engage us in projects due to our expertise in consumer engagement and research.

A key part of CHF’s advocacy is working with government to amplify the voices and concerns of consumers to bring about change in healthcare policy.

CHF works to achieve safe, accessible and affordable healthcare for all Australians.

CHF aims to amplify the voice of consumers so other vested interests do not dominate the public healthcare debate.

CHF undertakes projects on behalf of government departments and other stakeholders to engage with, or educate, consumers on health-related topics.

CHF produces a range of insightful reports on current health topics based on research findings, project work, consumer consultations and collaborations with key stakeholders.

CHF takes an evidence-based approach to its advocacy. Research findings play a critical role in ensuring our work is informed and up to date.

CHF influences national health policy by consulting with our Members, and consumers more broadly, to develop submissions to Federal Government reviews and inquiries.