20 September 2024

CHF is pleased to make a submission to the consultation on 'Improving commercial foods for infants and young children' and credits the Food Regulation Standing Committee (FRSC) for the opportunity and the Food For Health Alliance (FHA) for leading the development of the response.
During the first 2,000 days in a child's growth and development, food and nutrition play a crucial role. Consumption of commercial foods for infants and young children has increased in recent years and is becoming more common as parents and caregivers see these as convenient, economical and healthy options.
With the increase in popularity, the commercial food market for infants and young children has also grown significantly. The FRSC is seeking to improve the nutritional composition, labelling and texture of commercial foods for infants and young children through actions in the Food Regulation System to better align this population's diets with Australian and New Zealand infant and toddler dietary guidance.
CHF is a supporter of the FHA, the leading policy and advocacy voice working to improve diets and prevent overweight and obesity in Australia, particularly for children. The Alliance and its Members have collaborated to develop evidence-based responses to the consultation questions that centre the needs of consumers and their health.