26 April 2023

CHF strongly supports the Australian Government’s decision to allow consumers to buy two months’ worth of medicine for the price of a single prescription.
“This is a really good move which shows the government is listening to the voices of consumers,” CHF CEO Dr Elizabeth Deveny said.
As the national peak body for health consumers, CHF said many people were struggling with choosing between healthcare and other family essentials as cost-of-living pressures bite.
“Every dollar saved at the pharmacy is money that can be spent on groceries or rent,” Dr Deveny said.
“Today’s decision will save the average patient up to $180 a year for some of the most common medicines.
“This comes on top of the government initiative in January which saw the cost of any medicine on the PBS reduced from $42.50 to $30.
CHF said it was now looking forward to working with the government and peak clinical bodies on supporting and educating consumers on how to make best use of the new prescription rules which come into effect on 1 September.
“This is especially important for those with complex, chronic conditions,” Dr Deveny said. “We also hope that doctors and pharmacists will embrace this new move to make medicines and healthcare generally more affordable.”
More than 1300 people have recently signed CHF’s petition calling on the government to give consumers a real voice in Strengthening Medicare health reform.
“Everyday Australians deserve a real voice in the design and implementation of changes to Medicare and other primary health reforms,” Dr Deveny said.
Media contact
Ben Graham
E b.graham@chf.org.au
T: 02 6273 5444
M: 0461 545 392