14 March 2024

CHF welcomes the release of the #EndGenderBias survey report which asked Australian women to share their experiences of barriers and bias in the health system.
The landmark report, commissioned by the National Women’s Health Advisory Council, discovered that two thirds of women report they experienced health care related gender bias or discrimination themselves.
The report also found:
Sexual and reproductive health and chronic pain were the top areas where women experienced gender-bias
More than 70% of women experienced bias in the diagnosis and treatment of health conditions
More than 70% of women reported they experienced bias in GP visits.
The report also showed that Australian women commonly felt unheard and not taken seriously by their medical practitioner.
“We are very concerned that so many Australian woman are still reporting that they are not being heard, taken seriously or believed when they see their health practitioners. Cleary more needs to be done in this area.
“We know that when people report having good experiences in the healthcare system it’s largely because of how they are treated and made to feel by their health practitioner. Actually listening to a consumer and taking them seriously is a vital part in building a strong working relationship with consumers where they trust and want to work with their practitioners, said CHF CEO, Dr Elizabeth Deveny.”
The systemic and structural disadvantage of gender bias in health care has far-reaching implications on the health and outcomes of Australian women. Barriers to accessing healthcare restrict women’s choices. These barriers include long waiting times and affordability, with women’s health conditions often more expensive to manage.
The findings of the report clearly demonstrate the need to listen to the experiences of Australian women and find solutions to address women’s health.
“When consumers can advocate their needs in the health system, we know it results in better service design, delivery and update. We need women who have experienced gender bias involved in healthcare policy decision making and program design,” said Dr Elizabeth Deveny.
For the past four decades, CHF has been at the forefront of advocating for consumer-centred healthcare policies and practices and has contributed to advancements in women’s healthcare and investment in women’s health needs.
CHF remain committed to working with the Australian Government and sector colleagues to continue to improve safety, access, affordability to healthcare, services and outcomes for all Australian women.
A copy of the summary report can be download from the Department of Health and Aged Care website here.
Media contact
Ben Graham
E b.graham@chf.org.au
T: 02 6273 5444
M: 0461 545 392