Youth Health Forum Submission to the Select Committee on COVID-19

Young people have been identified as one of the most affected population groups in Australia. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted existing inequities in the higher education, employment and housing sectors that have a new sense of urgency in light of the economic downturn. Young people need to be included in the problem-solving process and there needs to be a long-term plan for how we will support this generation to transition from education into employment and self-sufficiency.

In our submission, the Youth Health Forum provide feedback on the Government’s communication and messaging, financial support packages, health services that have been made available, and the long-term impacts such as mental health. Most importantly, we want to emphasize the importance of including and prioritising Australia’s younger generations in the recovery plan.

We feel that this review process is important, and the lessons learnt so far must be reflected in how we move forward as a society.

Publication type: 
Publish date: 
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Carolyn Thompson